Capitalize the Self : (Choose yours)

1.Can be very selfish.

2.Provide a positive value when done right.

3.So others will see only you.



You are the one who can bring yourself to have a better value of who you are when you provide yourself the personal attention which will Capitalize your quality of life and living your life to the fullest. The idea of Capitalizing yourself is not by the fact that you will need to avoid or ignore others, but by doing the personal positive work, you will be able to expand your ability to support others and to guide them as well to see how their true value is important for you and justifying the stability that you will have. This is a practice of Self care to Capitalize the Self,  give you the confidence to reach out to life with the understanding that how you think about yourself and feel about yourself can provide the results and the outcome for better quality in your life. Good example for what you want to avoid is by the over rated use of selfie which we all can agree that is far, in most cases, from the true nature of the Self. When you express yourself you use the words ” I, me, my, self “, 4 ways to assist you on the progress that you take on your life. At our early years we use very much the use of ” I ” and “Me” in order that people will notice My territory, My belongings, what I , what I want, and so on. On our early life we barely, if not at all, pay attention to the Self within you. Sometimes the self reality becomes chained to a selfish identity that resolve in negative behaviors or selfish activities which only holding down our true Self. The ” I ” has an expression to the outside world, holding tension that has too much ego. The “Me” is a little more sensitive. The “Me” has the degree of the understanding that it is connected with the outside world but only to provide what the ” I ” desire. The “My” remind you in many times of your ego rather then the one within, who needs less then its seek to accumulate or achieve in life. The “Self” represents that individual identity, that free personality of your soul that can create your Self-identity, recognize your Self-love, strength for Self-confidence and Self-control to make your actions come from a place of Self awareness. This personal Self help for your Self-belief to find truth within you and around you, and not to fall for symptoms of rejecting or doubting your Self. By doing the work from your Heart Center with your Self-love you honor who you are from a place of humility and compassion while your Self-esteem hold no ego but a better Self-identity for what more you can give and do for others. This work of Capitalizing the Self from a positive place and nurturing it, present your Self-image to become more clear with your actions and avoiding any Self-denial to take place in difficult times. When you look at yourself from within you clarify what is the gap between all 4 ways and how to build positive relationship with the “Self”, so no place for ego will step instead. When you seek to understand yourself, you are going between the “me” to the “Self” and you are presenting “myself” to lead life with others for a positive influence that together can be created. More so, true-Self has no attachment, only the connection with the voice of your pure Soul. When you recognize how to nourish the “Self” from within, with the proper values and the honest work, then your Self-reality become greater, and by Capitalize your true-Self you are the master that is Self-employed and able to become Selflessness.