Inner purpose practice : (Choose yours)

1.Give you better understanding with yourself and the company you are with.

2.Take you to only a personal view for your life.

3.Remove any outside influence.



For each  one in life there is the path, direction and destination for how you can create and make your life more meaningful and with deeper achievement. Taking the personal care to give yourself the goals that you want to achieve in your life is something that always move behind you like the wind beneath your wings which want to lift you up with life as you grow. There is no one purpose where you should be holding your self-belief for what you want to be, but it is important for you to connect with the inner purpose that you hold to put you in the positive direction of your personal growth and achievement. Your inner purpose is a self connection to have the understanding and agreement with yourself for what actions best for you to take, or where better for you to be, which changes need to be done, or how those changes will happen, who you are for now, or why you are here as for now. All that and what more relevant to your story, allow you to seek from inside for your inner purpose so you will know how to care for your well-being and to be the one who will take the positive next step for your personal development and for your personal growth. When you look into yourself in that personal positive attitude you will gain clarity and welcome self-love from a peaceful place, while holding the space for yourself to take the changes and to collect the personal information through the transformation that you are going through. Your Inner purpose can be something that will be as a reflection to your place in a working place, along with your family, with your friends on one hand or to your own personal self for where you would like to lead yourself life, free from any outside conditions, but just due to the positive inner voice that your Heart speak loud to you. Your ambition in each case, as part of something outside or as part of your unique view for your life, always become better when you understand to yourself what is your inner purpose in this part of the story that you are taking part, the story of others which you become involve with, or the story that you would like to become part of. Awakening your inner purpose for any situation, external or internal is a personal practice that develop. Doing so on a daily basis lead you from your Heart to your mind to think more clearly with ease and calm with no stress or disbelieve. Like that you automatically able to remove any anxiety, fear, weakness of emotions or anything that can slow you down. Inner purpose is a better tool to use in a daily basis while you are part of a company and with a self awareness for every day that you are living. Like that you don’t allow any routine to crawl into your life, but you invite every day self renewal and paying attention for your thoughts, feelings and emotions while making sure to keep the positivity at your reach and your creative ability to see with clarity what best you can do and give from yourself to others. Your inner purpose will lead you to see your personal purpose.