The energy of your family : (Choose yours)

1.Is something which you cannot connect with.

2.Has different movement from where you are

3.Is the flow of the spiritual levels that run between you all.



In each Family structure there is a combination of elements which has the purpose and the reason for those individuals to come together in this life. As each one grow, so is the interactions between, and if one don’t value how to benefit from the experience, the lessons can always be repeated in different ways. The movement of the energy in the structure of each one family twine together by the spiritual attention that each one gives. This spiritual has nothing to do with religion or faith. The more you take your steps through the spiritual steps which are for you, the better you can become WITH and FOR the family you are belong to. This personal path will open for you the clarity and the personal understanding for your part in the Family that you are belong. When you step more within the spiritual connection of acceptance your part, then there is a better way to create included peace and harmony between the family. Spiritual personal growth provide you the knowledge which run between each part of the family members without any form or shape. After all, the spiritual aspects are parts that connect each family member spirit together in a movement that can seems at times as chaos, and can be appreciated at times as divine love and run between each other through the energy that is exist. Energy is not created but it can shift and change or transform according to each one intention, and the more each one will hold positive intention, the transformation can only provide a bigger space to hold the family together. There is a reason for the hologram of each family combination to be, and as less ego is being put into the formula, then the flow is with better balance. The essence of the spiritual connection can be express through each one Heart emotions towards the other members and when unconditional love, compassion and loving -kindness is used then the harmony and the strength is very much grounded to grow. There is the influence of your environment, culture, faith, society, but at the end there is something very simple which is always is within you. The simple ingredients can create wonders when they are in balance. Even though you belong to someone and part of a family, there is a unique something that make you stand out from, in a positive way. That something is the seed of your unique way to create the life which will provide you the joy that you deserve and the blessings to share with those who come by you. That seed is your choice, always, to activate and to use, it is your choice. Each one choice can never be judge, only the consequences of that choice that each one need to live with as a result for that choice. The spiritual connection for each family can grow with personal awareness that will enlighten inner peace as a whole. With your seed you can create positive direction that will support the family you belong to, while staying humble, grounded and connect with your personal purpose.