Your self-image : (choose yours)

1.Is what you see in the mirror.

2.The energy that you hold within.

3.Can hide with nice clothes.



Your self-image is the reflection of your self-Love. One way to connect with your self-Love is by taking an objective look at your self-image. This is how your subconscious hold the deep information about how you truly feel about yourself and project that to your conscious by your behaviors to communicate with life through your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Your self-image has a direct influence from those who raise you, family members, friends and colleagues. Next, your self-image interrupt by your personal expectation from yourself, how you tend to compare yourself to the environment around you, how the society that you involve with holding the values that you have or holding other values which you don’t feel that you have them yet or that those values are not in symmetry with your true values. Your self-image can be shift according to the level of relationship you are having with your partner. There is a big difference of the impact which this is a partner that always accept you or that this is a partner that you feel to serve or a partner that you can never satisfy, or the one that will manipulate you day and night. All those different points that reflect about your self-image automatically bring up or bring down your self-esteem. The main energetic issue will be within your Heart Chakra, Solar-plexus Chakra and your inner child. Lets agree today that we cant change the past. Therefore, today, in this present moment, detach from the outside and any parameters or elements, my question for you: how do you see your self-image right now? If your answer is with positive and confidence then take it to the next step which is how to maintain your positive self-image so your self-love will be at reach. However, if your answer in not so positive regarding your self-image, then first ask yourself what interfere in this present moment with your ability to allow your self-image to be positive ? It might be that as you ask yourself that, you will realize how much of your past, which is no longer part of your reality, you are holding as a baggage that create a hunchback and don’t provide you the positive energy to stand tall and to be connected with your beautiful self. Ask yourself if you remove this parameter from your place, or inviting certain element to be part of your daily life, or taking the small steps to change your environment so in any of those cases you will be able to lift up your self-image to a positive safe place. Your self-image always must be independent from everything that is around you. That freedom must be recognize by you at all times and must be protected by you, so that your self-love will be with harmony. When you act with kindness, goodness, compassion and unconditional love to everything that you come by and you don’t allow anything or anyone to prevent you from doing so, then you are able to restore and to hold a positive self-image. You are capable to guard your positive self-image in every season of your life and to protect your inner child to be blissful.