Your language is: (choose yours)

1.Express by body, talk and thoughts.

2.The only way for communication.

3.What you born with.



Our language is reflected by 3 ways: speaking, the language that you activities your thoughts emotions and feelings, and there is your body language. You use your own language in a voluntary way as well as part of your thinking process, I hope so. Even without no sounds you have your own unique way to make sure that you will be heard or notice. Majority of your language, as life offer you, come to you from your environment as well as what you know and recognize to collect along the growth and interaction with life. Sometimes you need to add certain language as part of your own development. The combination of your words, the vocabulary that you use, your body language and the language of your thoughts, feelings and emotions define a major part of who you are. However, what you don’t realize is that the void of language in the aspects that is mention here, only prevent from you to create something that can be greater for you. By paying attention to what your way of using your own language doesn’t has, you can start to take steps to increase the quality of your life. If it is by the use and learning new words, to learn new skills, to adopt more ways of positive thinking and new patterns for holding strong positive emotions, all that open a door for you for new possibilities. Pay attention to the methodic way your language is part of your routine and ask yourself how to improve yourself. Look for the words that you actually don’t know, don’t use, because without those words do you know what you are missing?. Give a self observation on your body language which only express what you truly hold within and maybe its time to recognize some of that so you can release from within what is not benefiting you and allow for something more positive to be part within. Engage yourself in different activities that will expand your self-love and provide deeper value for what more you can add to your life. See what other new hobbies can be learn by you, only to bring quality for every day of your life and to wake up with love for what is waiting for you. Look into the new world that can offer you deeper perspective and values, skills and knowledge, better communication skills and connections in places where you felt alone before.