1.A statement that reflect on a moment.
2.But what if I am not ready.
3.Understand like that a point in the circle of life.
Holding this view within your kind heart, you have from this approach with the experiences of your life a bigger patience toward what you are facing. Tolerance with things that you didn’t predicted even to experience, patience flexibility that can create from within you the talent to be more creative with your life. You build like that a resilience toward the changes that you are facing, and invite an elasticity to how you can approach difficulties and be better with problems solving. When you remember that all things come and go then there is less of resistance from you and you don’t carry things with you even long after they are far far in your past. When you say this in your heart at a certain event that seek self-transformation, you open the way to reorganize the priorities of your life and to acknowledge that this is part of your growth. By knowing within your heart that all things come and go, this prepare you better to face unexpected changes, for which the experience of some things can gain a different approach by you, and look for the new solution to be establish. Strong direction is when the alchemist within you invoke positive ways towards this understanding. You open within yourself the ability of being more receptive of the changes and mastering a peaceful perspective. All things come and go help you to ground yourself and stand strong as changes occurs in your life. You are able to view the world from the river of your life and see the things that passes through the river, Reaching even to release something, instead of letting it stay stuck, only because finally you are able to understand that it prevents a better flow and able to recognize that transformation about to come in a good way. This perspective in a Zen view for life, without any judgment from you toward yourself or any one that is involve, only allow you to gain the emotional strength to handle many of the steps that you take in life. Practice today with Loving acceptance this as a mantra: All things come and go. Doing so, invite an understanding of the uncertainty that has an important part and allowing instead the impossible to become possible just because of your self belief becomes possible and you able to contain inner peace with deep validation.