Spiritual Growth can start by: (choose yours)
  1. Following your faith.
  2. meditating and self-work.
  3. Freedom of self-awareness.
  4. ……………..
With this topic I will come back with more information. For now, I will ask you to dip your toe very slowly into one of many water brooks that will take you to the river of spiritual growth.
During each one life, there will be high points that you are experiencing good quality moments, positive time, nirvana, good pace with what is around you etc., or like to each one, there are those low points which sometimes too much to handle, unexpected events that taking the quality of your life to a dark place. Sometimes it embeds within you some emotions bundle, heavy feeling that only slow your progress. However, as days goes by, you find ways to recover and to get into a positive transition, but not realizing that you are still carrying with you those embedded emotions and heavy feelings. One way to see this as depression, anxiety, emotional pain, busy mind, stress or any other energetic wounds. However, another way to pay attention to that is by actually realizing that yourself become addicted to those negative emotions and heavy feelings and cannot move without them. Through those steps you are shaking off energy that is within your Solar plexus, Heart and Throat Chakras and opening a better energy field for your Crown Chakra to start guide you in the right direction.
In order for you to shift your self-awareness and self-belief, ask yourself what are the addictive form of thoughts, feelings, emotions which block you from your spiritual growth?