Good and Bad emotions: (choose yours)

1. Are by the mood that comes with them.

2. There is no thing as such when you observe them.

3. Costume to use certain ones more often.


Emotions are part of our every day life. Certain emotions voluntarily show up, others as a respond to feelings we are having, others become part of our reality due to the constant state of mind we are, and then there is the Rolla costar of emotions in some days where peace cannot come by your door. How to train your self better with the emotions that taking part of your well-being, so peace can be close by? When you are able to allow any emotion to be recognized by you for its reason then you open the door to release it or to invite more of that. As you can understand me, I don’t use the words good or bad to the emotions that you want or don’t want to experience, no positive or negative in immediate association to any emotion that you are experiencing, not categorize emotions under white, black or pink category, but providing the spectrum to be side by side. The emotion of fear can handle in the same balance as the emotion of joy.
The level of influence on your state of mind come from the degree of how much you allow this emotion to fill you with. The impact of the quality of your life come from the amount of the emotion that you drink in to your heart. The capacity of how much the emotion take over the balance of your state of mind create a result that can benefit you or that will take you down. It is ok to experience anger, but to know right away to control it so it will not overwhelm you. It is great to be joyful and merry but to make sure that it is in connection with the reality around you.
When you are able to identify what emotions are helping your routine and what emotions are taking away from you the focus of what is in front of you then you can practice more carefully with that inner self awareness to what emotions must become part of your day and provide a well-being for you.
The more you will be able to be the observer of your own emotions experience, the better the sweet experience will be for you.